Reptile Information Hubs:
Nidovirus/Serpentovirus ResearchThis page acts as a central repository for both original serpentovirus research published as part of my Ph.D. in Veterinary Medical Sciences, and for other published information on ophidian nidoviruses.
Animal ManagementThis blog feed is aimed to document caging innovations, data collection, and other novel technologies integrated into the management of captive reptiles.
Species InformationThis blog feed is aimed to document species profiles, animal husbandry, and best practices for various reptile species.
Are you a reptile enthusiast?
Explore the commercial services from RepTillis-affiliated ventures to incorporate into your reptile-interests including available animals, facility tours, and consulting services.
AVAILABLE ANIMALSRepTillis Herps, LLC is a webstore for surplus snakes made available by the Archer Reptile Center. A wide spread of animals ranging from pet-level snakes to newly released breeding projects are posted to this site.
FACILITY TOURSArcher Reptile Center, LLC in Archer, FL houses giant tortoises, parrots, turtles, goats, lizards, and nearly half the world's python species on display. Book a private tour by appointment only to interact with these animals and learn about the history of reptile breeding in Florida.